How to get a nice API-doc tree in DocTreeView?

Amilcar do Carmo Lucas amilcar at
Tue Mar 18 18:45:06 UTC 2003


When I activate the "Project settings > Doxygen > HTML > Generate 
Treeview" project option
I get a very nice frame on the right side of the Doxygen generated 
API-doc html documentation.
This frame presents a nice cool tree that facilitates documentation 
On the other hand, QT documentation for instance presents this nice tree 
directly embedded in the
doctreeview part.

How can I get the tree that Doxygen generates embedded in doctreeview?
If I can not do it by some automatic means, how can I achieve it by hand 
I see that doctreeview tries to read some .toc and .tag files, but I 
don't understand it. :(

Alexander, anyone?


Amilcar Lucas

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