Whish: build Doxygen search database via GUI or better yet, automatically.

Amilcar do Carmo Lucas amilcar at ida.ing.tu-bs.de
Fri Mar 7 18:38:06 UTC 2003

Bugs.kde.org is down so here it goes:

I would like to have a menu option just below
build > Run Doxygen
 to run the script that generates Doxygen search database, something like
build > Doxygen search Database
All this menu item has to do is to issue:
doxytag -s search.idx
in the projects Doxygen html directory.

Better yet would be to completely ignore what I said before and run the
doxytag -s search.idx
automaticaly after the
build > Run Doxygen
Project > Project Options > Doxygen > search > search engine
 is set to yes.


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