Gideon outputview

Fabio Fracassi turiya at
Tue Mar 4 17:14:03 UTC 2003

On Friday 28 February 2003 07:20, falk.brettschneider at wrote:
> > On Thursday 27 February 2003 02:26, F at lk Brettschneider wrote:

> > Hi Falk,
> > i sometimes get asked the same too. I think it would really be a good idea
> > to 
> > minimize output during build.
> > 

I just installed gideon from cvs,  and saw this feature, which I like.
But I think it is a bit buggy still, since it doesnt include the full warning 
messages, but only the first part (line?)
I think it should include the lines which are marked with the blue dot in the 
full view, or at least show them when the error/warning is selected, so that 
the user gets the full message. 

To make things clearer, I have the following warning:

*(red)  MMatrix.h:69: warning: friend declaration `MVector<TYPE>  
*(blue) operator*(MMatrix<TYPE>, MVector<TYPE>)' declares a non-template 
*(red) MMatrix.h:69: warning: (if this is not what you intended, make sure the  
*(blue)  function template has already been declared and add <> after the 
*(blue)  name here) -Wno-non-template-friend disables this warning

In short view only the red lines are shown, which makes the output pretty 

*(red)  MMatrix.h:69: warning: friend declaration `MVector<TYPE>
*(red) MMatrix.h:69: warning: (if this is not what you intended, make sure the  

> > Maybe we could make it being switched on the fly. What i mean is: show
> > only 
> > short output (maybe just the files being proccessed) but internally store
> > all 
> > of make's output. This would give you the ability to compile without much 
> > output - and if something goes wrong, you still can show all commands etc.

I second that, it would be nice to get the fullview without a recompile.

Thanks for Gideon, I realy like it, and use it on a daily basis now, keep up 
the good work.


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