KDevelop website

Amilcar do Carmo Lucas amilcar at ida.ing.tu-bs.de
Tue Jun 17 12:04:02 UTC 2003

Hi all,

I got this from the dot:

START Alex mail:

WOW, the KDevelop website is ancient. Its in desperate need for updates. 
I mean come on, even the features page is ancient:
 "KDevelop 1.1 even includes KDE 2/Qt 2 frameworks for those developers 
that want to stay on the bleeding edge of KDE development."
 Yes, KDE 2 is definitely bleeding edge.
 and on the Graphics page, there shouldn't be 3 screen shots sections, 
just make 1 and have a "next ->" link.
 Even the press is ancient, Linux Tag 2001?
 The software used on the site is also old, phorum, that thing totally 
sucks when you have something like PHPBB and you already have a space on 
KDE-Forum.org here:
 http://kde-forum.org/viewforum.php?f=11 there should be a link.
 Links page is out dated too, listing mosfet's site as a KDE 2 
development site and even listing broken links.
 The documentation is ancient too, the user manual's last update was in 
 Really this is pathetic and it happens like this to a lot of KDE 
projects! Even Konqueror's page has the last news item in 2002 while so 
many exciting things have happened to it. In addition KDE websites were 
supposed to adopt the new design, but many flagship software websites 
have not been updated like Koffice's website.
 Seriously the KDE project websites are rarely updated, the dot and 
kde.org seem to be in the minority of websites being updated regularly. 
The documentation also sucks.
And I heard from people here that Gideon is a lot better. We need a 
website to show the quality of the program, currently the website for 
KDevelop will just turn people off.
 Compare for yourself:
 Yes, your right, the KDevelop website does not stand comparison.
I would be happy to help make the KDevelop website better by providing a 
new design and updating whatever content I can if you want.

END Alex mail:

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