[PATCH] Patch adding a check in the textChanged slot of the PHP part

Amilcar do Carmo Lucas amilcar at ida.ing.tu-bs.de
Fri Jul 25 09:58:04 UTC 2003

Applied! Thanks a lot

Sebastian Gutweiler wrote:

>when using the PHP part I noticed a strange behaviour: I had an file
>open, which was not in the project directory. This file was not parsed
>(and added to the class store), when loaded. But when I made a change to
>the file, it was parsed and added (if realtime parsing is enabled). 
>This patch adds a check to the method 
>PHPSupportPart::slotActivePartChanged(KParts::Part *part). If the file
>which was changed is not in the project directory it aborts. 
>diff -u --recursive --new-file kdevelop_orig/parts/phpsupport/phpsupportpart.cpp kdevelop_change/parts/phpsupport/phpsupportpart.cpp
>--- kdevelop_orig/parts/phpsupport/phpsupportpart.cpp	Tue Jul 15 22:39:52 2003
>+++ kdevelop_change/parts/phpsupport/phpsupportpart.cpp	Thu Jul 24 19:44:30 2003
>@@ -157,6 +157,14 @@
>   kdDebug(9018) << "filename:" << fileName << endl;
>   int numLines = m_editInterface->numLines();
>+  //Abort if the file which was changed is not part of the project
>+  if (!project()->allFiles().contains(fileName.mid ( project()->projectDirectory().length() + 1 ))) {
>+   	kdDebug(9018) << "Not Parsing file " << fileName << ", file is not part of the project" << endl;
>+	return;
>+   }
>   QStringList lines;
>   for(int i=0;i<numLines;i++){
>     lines.append(m_editInterface->textLine(i));

Amilcar Lucas

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