Problems debugging templates/shared libraries with Gideon

Pascal Francq pfrancq at
Wed Jul 16 14:35:08 UTC 2003

I have created a shared libraries with some C++ header files containing 
templates. I try to debug this templates by adding a breakpoint in one of the 
methods of this template. I try to run the application using this library in 
debug mode by two different ways:
1°) From inside the gideon project of this application.
2°) From the gideon project of the shared libraries by specifying the 
application in the 'run options' of the project.
gdb seems to recognize the breakpoint, but it never stops on it. Moreover, 
when I try to debug normal code (so not templates) from this shared library, 
there are syncronization problems between the debugger and the code shown in 
the editor.
Any idea for one of these problems?

Dr Ir Pascal Francq
Université Libre de Bruxelles
CAD/CAM Department
Avenue F.D. Roosevelt, 50
CP 165/14
B-1050 Brussels
Tel. +32-2-650 47 65
Fax +32-2-650 47 24
ICQ: 91206668

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