documentation remarks / improvement suggestions

Raphael Langerhorst raphael-langerhorst at
Tue Jul 1 20:09:04 UTC 2003


so... just read the gideon manual. Here are some comments: (probably you are 
aware of most of it anyway)

missing documentation:

* creating new files and classes

class browser:
* class tool (only one line here, what is it for?)
* class hierarchy

should be explained in more depth:
* short description, what project type is usefull for doing what (or put more 
explaination into the new project wizard)
* especially I'm missing the technical difference between Standalone Parts / 
Integrated Parts for KDevelop
* chapter 8, "The documentation browser" needs more explanation
* chapter 9, "Building and Project management" generally needs more work
* chapter 11, "The debugger" is not finished

mistakes/aged doc:
* "File Tree" -> "File Selector"  (also new screenshot necessary)

* some other spelling mistakes I have corrected with the patch (see 

hope that helps a bit,

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