KDevelop 2.1.5 release with KDE 3.1

falk.brettschneider at gmx.de falk.brettschneider at gmx.de
Tue Jan 21 11:51:02 UTC 2003

Hi Ralf!

I recommend to make sure that the whole branch still compiles and works well
with KDE-2.2 respectively KDE-3.0, too. Can you promise this? Noone but you
is still testing the KDE_2_2_BRANCH...

I would turn to a tr("Wildsau"), if this stable and finished branch was
messed up for those versions. ;-) Nobody wants to repair things there again.

F at lk

> Hash: SHA1
> Hi,
> I'd like to inform you that with the help of Dirk Schmitt and Stephan
> Kulow 
> I've merged a patch that was originally for SuSE to use the
> doxygen-generated 
> KDE-libs apidocs with kdevelop 2.1 into the KDE_2_2_BRANCH version and
> fixed 
> up the missing parts so that it works correct and nicely now. I also fixed
> a 
> problem with jumping to the error location in the output window that seems
> to 
> be occuring with Qt 3.1 since the output window derives from
> QMultiLineEdit 
> which is deprecated but still there and derives from QTextEdit. 
> This together with the fact that the KDE 3.1 kde-i18n packages won't ship
> the 
> kdevelop translation files any more to enable users to upgrade to a
> KDevelop 
> 3 on KDE 3.1 systems without breaking their kde-i18n packages into
> conflicts 
> but to still enable users to use KDevelop 2.1 on their KDE 3.1 system in 
> their native language and have issues fixed, KDE will release a KDevelop 
> upgrade as KDevelop 2.1.5 for KDE 3.1 together with that release.
> In case you upgrade from KDE 3.0 to KDE 3.1 please use your vendor's
> packages 
> for KDevelop 2.1.5 which is recommended to be used on KDE 3.1.
> Can someone update the KDevelop website, please when the announcement for
> KDE 
> 3.1 is out ?
> Thanks,
> Ralf
> - -- 
> We're not a company, we just produce better code at less costs.
> - --------------------------------------------------------------------
> Ralf Nolden
> nolden at kde.org
> The K Desktop Environment       The KDevelop Project
> http://www.kde.org              http://www.kdevelop.org
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> =MShs
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