
Alexander Dymo cloudtemple at mksat.net
Fri Feb 28 23:13:06 UTC 2003

> could someone please tell me something about the uiFileLink stuff in
> autoproject?
I've ported Qt ui file subclassing code by Jakob Simon-Gaarde
from trollproject. Jakob, correct me if I am wrong.

> In AutoProjectWidget::addToTarget() I find the following line:
> fitem->uiFileLink = ..........
> Is this only the case when a file is added to a target or could I move this
> line to AutoProjectWidget::createFileItem() ??
uiFileLink should be set when a project is opening and when an item is
added to target too in order to know new ui file subclasses without
reloading project.
As I can see, fitem->uiFileLink is done always after createFileItem(), so
it may be there (in createFileItem()).

Alexander Dymo
Ukrainian State Maritime Technical University, IT Department

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