fix (??) for kde c++ application framework template

Zac Hansen xaxxon at
Fri Feb 28 23:05:07 UTC 2003

I'm running the RH 8.0 3.0.3-8.3 KDE RPM.

To get the C++ KDE application framework to build under 3.0.3 I made the 
following two changes to the ProjectName.cpp file:

saveMainWindowSettings( KGlobal::config(), autoSaveGroup() );
goes to
saveMainWindowSettings( KGlobal::config() );


applyMainWindowSettings( KGlobal::config(), autoSaveGroup() );
goes to 
applyMainWindowSettings( KGlobal::config() );

both save and apply main window settings have default arguments for the 
second parameter, but I don't know if they are correct in all situations.

I can then successfully build and execute the program correctly -- I 
think; it doesn't do much..

xaxxon at

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