Release Management and being sober

Eray Ozkural exa at
Wed Feb 26 16:32:13 UTC 2003

Hi there,

I think we're making a few mistakes regarding release management.

Nothing too grave, but if we don't make a plan then we are going to get 
recognition as the source of bug-ridden development software like Microsoft 
Visual Studio.

I think we should, independent of KDE release cycle, must define a few phases 
in development so that we can smoothly progress into a beta release.

My suggestion is:

-- a feature freeze date
-- a bug-fixing phase, all bugs considered important for a beta milestone 
should be fixed.
-- a TODO decapitulation phase in which we attack the items in TODO 
emphasizing those features already present in KDevelop 2.x but lacking in 

Comments welcome,

Also somebody must be appointed to track release management and watch over the 
process. Not meaning intimidating anybody of course :) Caleb, I think you 
would gladly continue doing it.... Can you come up with a rough schedule?


Eray Ozkural (exa) <erayo at>
Comp. Sci. Dept., Bilkent University, Ankara
www:  Malfunction:
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