Bug in ClassView?

Sascha Cunz Mail at SaCu.DE
Sun Feb 9 22:21:02 UTC 2003

> Inheritance is supported for structs? If yes, it should appear like
> classes in the classview.
> Ciao
> F at lk

In C++ a struct is exactly the same as a class, just that it inherits "public" 
instead of "private" by default and members are "public" by default:

struct X : Y {
  virtual ~X() {}
  int z;

is just the same as:

class X : public Y {
  virtual ~X() {}
  int z;

Sascha Cunz IT-Services      www.SaCu.de
Kleine Mühlgasse 4           mail at SaCu.de
35390 Giessen                0641 / 9719354

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