Concerning (invalid) bug #57902

Daniel Franke daniel.franke at
Wed Dec 10 14:43:05 UTC 2003

> Hash: SHA1
> On Wednesday 10 December 2003 13.49, Daniel Franke wrote:
> >
> >
> > Again, kdevelop crashed. My machine: SUN Blade 2000, Dual Ultrasparc,
> > Solaris 8, current patchlevel, kdevelop and kde-3.1.4 compiled from
> > sources.
> > Workaround: disable the history plugin

> (it's not like I have a Sun Blade 2000 around to test on.. ) or that it
> seems to be a SMP system (correct?)
Jup - I've two of them the room next door ... ;)

> So.. unless you can debug it yourself (should be possible assuming you
> build kdevelop from source with debug info turned on) a backtrace would
> at least hopefully point us to where it crashes..
I posted about half a dozen of them a while ago ... here's a new one:

1. Enable history-plugin (then restart kdevelop)
2. open any (text) file, closed by rmb->close

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x6b5c0 in _ZN7QShared5derefEv (this=0x610072)
    at /usr/local/qt3/include/qshared.h:50
50          bool deref()        { return !--count; }

(gdb) bt
#0  0x6b5c0 in _ZN7QShared5derefEv (this=0x610072)
    at /usr/local/qt3/include/qshared.h:50
#1  0x6a02c in _ZN7QStringD1Ev (this=0x1393358)
    at /usr/local/qt3/include/qstring.h:769
#2  0x7ce88 in _ZN12HistoryEntryD1Ev (this=<incomplete type>)
    at /usr/local/qt3/include/qptrlist.h:119
#3  0x7cd9c in _ZN8QPtrListI12HistoryEntryE10deleteItemEPv (
    this=<incomplete type>, d=0x1393330)
    at /usr/local/qt3/include/qptrlist.h:119
#4  0x7e490a78 in _ZN6QGList6removeEPv () from 
#5  0x7ceb7848 in _ZN8QPtrListI12HistoryEntryE6removeEPKS0_ (
    this=<incomplete type>, d=0x1393330)
    at /usr/local/qt3/include/qptrlist.h:70
#6  0x7ceb6cd4 in _ZN11HistoryPart11partRemovedEPN6KParts4PartE (
    this=<incomplete type>, part=0x12f1340) at historypart.cpp:245
#7  0x7ceb6f4c in _ZN11HistoryPart9qt_invokeEiP8QUObject (
    this=<incomplete type>, _id=2, _o=0xffbeea40) at historypart.moc:110
#8  0x7e2637f4 in _ZN7QObject15activate_signalEP15QConnectionListP8QUObject 
   from /usr/local/qt3/lib/
#9  0x7f327e08 in _ZN6KParts11PartManager11partRemovedEPNS_4PartE ()
   from /usr/local/kde3/lib/
#10 0x7f326898 in _ZN6KParts11PartManager10removePartEPNS_4PartE ()
   from /usr/local/kde3/lib/
#11 0x47c18 in _ZN14PartController9closePartEPN6KParts4PartE (
    this=<incomplete type>, part=0x12f1340) at partcontroller.cpp:591
#12 0x47b74 in _ZN14PartController15closeActivePartEv (this=<incomplete 
    at partcontroller.cpp:562
#13 0x484a0 in _ZN14PartController15slotCloseWindowEv (this=<incomplete 
    at partcontroller.cpp:684
#14 0x4a7a8 in _ZN14PartController9qt_invokeEiP8QUObject (
    this=<incomplete type>, _id=14, _o=0xffbeedd8) at partcontroller.moc:169
#15 0x7e2638a8 in _ZN7QObject15activate_signalEP15QConnectionListP8QUObject 
   from /usr/local/qt3/lib/
#16 0x7e263708 in _ZN7QObject15activate_signalEi ()
   from /usr/local/qt3/lib/
#17 0x7ed97644 in _ZN7KAction9qt_invokeEiP8QUObject ()
   from /usr/local/kde3/lib/
#18 0x7e2638a8 in _ZN7QObject15activate_signalEP15QConnectionListP8QUObject 
   from /usr/local/qt3/lib/
#19 0x7e4f9fd8 in _ZN7QSignal6signalERK8QVariant ()
   from /usr/local/qt3/lib/
#20 0x7e33aa30 in _ZN10QPopupMenu17mouseReleaseEventEP11QMouseEvent ()
   from /usr/local/qt3/lib/
#21 0x7e292f6c in _ZN7QWidget5eventEP6QEvent ()
   from /usr/local/qt3/lib/
#22 0x7e212290 in _ZN12QApplication14internalNotifyEP7QObjectP6QEvent ()
   from /usr/local/qt3/lib/
#23 0x7e211958 in _ZN12QApplication6notifyEP7QObjectP6QEvent ()
   from /usr/local/qt3/lib/
#24 0x7eaed550 in _ZN12KApplication6notifyEP7QObjectP6QEvent ()
   from /usr/local/kde3/lib/
#25 0x7e1bb0e0 in _ZN9QETWidget19translateMouseEventEPK7_XEvent ()
   from /usr/local/qt3/lib/
#26 0x7e1b8a18 in _ZN12QApplication15x11ProcessEventEP7_XEvent ()
   from /usr/local/qt3/lib/
#27 0x7e1cd168 in _ZN10QEventLoop13processEventsEj ()
   from /usr/local/qt3/lib/
#28 0x7e224bc8 in _ZN10QEventLoop9enterLoopEv ()
   from /usr/local/qt3/lib/
#29 0x7e224a98 in _ZN10QEventLoop4execEv ()
   from /usr/local/qt3/lib/
#30 0x7e2124c0 in _ZN12QApplication4execEv ()
   from /usr/local/qt3/lib/
#31 0x3ba54 in main (argc=1, argv=0xffbefa24) at main.cpp:128


Dipl.-Math. (FH) Daniel Franke
Institut fuer Medizinische Biometrie und Statistik
Medizinische Universität zu Luebeck
Ratzeburger Allee 160, Haus 4
23538 Luebeck
Telefon: 0451-500-2786
Telefax: 0451-500-2999
daniel.franke at

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