Gideon on FreeBSD 5.1

Harald Fernengel harry at
Mon Aug 11 19:18:04 UTC 2003


On Monday 11 August 2003 11:33, Tony Byrne wrote:
> That's easier said than done, unfortunately :-(  While Alpha4 compiled
> cleanly on FreeBSD, later CVS sources don't, breaking due to what I
> believe are problems with the build system on FreeBSD.  Someone is
> working on a BSD port of Gideon, so hopefully these problems will be
> sorted soon.

the trouble lies not within KDevelop, but with the broken support for the 
auto* tools. Until FreeBSD is unable to sort that out, KDevelop won't 

By setting the CXXFLAGS to the right directories before configuring, the build 
should run smooth, though (at least it does on my FreeBSD machine).


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