[PATCH] qmake manager doesn't know about "ordered" CONFIG flag

Andreas Koepfle koepfle at ti.uni-mannheim.de
Thu Aug 7 16:47:05 UTC 2003

I have a top level *.pro file:

SUBDIRS = mylib1 \
           	  mylib2 \
TEMPLATE = subdirs
CONFIG += debug \
                   warn_on \
If I add the "ordered" flag to the CONFIG line by editing the *.pro file, 
qmake manager just filters it out when saving the file again.

This patch lets qmake manager preserve a present "ordered" flag.

The "ordered" flag isn't in the official qmake documentation, however you can 
find it in the Qt interest archives at trolltech (or just have a look at the 
created Makefile)
It assures that in the example above the libs are properly build before 
building the app (this is necesary when doing distributed compiles).

I don't know whether gideon needs a GUI-switch for this feature (as it is 
rather undocumented), however it shouldn't filter the flag out if someone 
sets it by hand.

Alexander, you seem to be in charge of the trollproject at the moment, what do 
you think? I could extend the build order dialog, if you think it's nice to 
have it in the GUI.

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