KDevProject and const methods

Mario Scalas mario.scalas at libero.it
Mon Aug 4 16:13:04 UTC 2003

Is there any reason for KDevProject methods such as 
	virtual QString projectDirectory() = 0;
	virtual QString projectName() = 0;
	virtual DomUtil::PairList runEnvironmentVars() = 0;
	virtual QString mainProgram(bool relative = false) = 0;
	virtual QString runDirectory() = 0;
	virtual QString runArguments() = 0;
	virtual QString activeDirectory() = 0;

and the like, are not declared as const?? Is there any implementation needing 
them to be non-const? At the moment I have to switch my parameters from 
"const KDevProject *" to "KDevProject *" and only because I need 
projectDirectory() ... :-/

I will fix the design issue on my own, but I don't want to break anything so 
I'm first asking on the list before I put my hands all over :-)

Cheers and happy holidays to all who have them :-)

Mario Scalas <mario dot scalas at libero dot it>
Miser miser! Modo niger et ustus fortiter.
homepage: http://www.gicomsrl.it/~mario/index.html
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