gideon UI desintegrates

Roland Krause rokrau at
Wed Apr 9 21:37:04 UTC 2003

Create a new project (generic fortran) in MDI tabbed pages mode. The
interface desintegrates, the outputview becomes undocked and can not be
docked back again, the user has to switch to childfram mode and back. 

Btw., I have noticed a fair amount of unstable/problematic behaviour
due to the MDI libraries, toolviews that wont dock back into their
place, completely unusable interface due to messed up gideonrc files. 

Maybe it would be a good idea to have a switch, reset user interface
that sets everything to default values, docks all the windows back and
saves sane settings in the gideonrc file. I cant tell you how many
times I had to manually delete the docking section in gideonrc. 

Falk, what do you think? 


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