Although Roberto's commit I still get a crash when I save a .h file.

Amilcar do Carmo Lucas amilcar at
Tue Apr 8 17:39:03 UTC 2003



Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
[Switching to Thread 1024 (LWP 26240)]
0x403b0533 in QMapIterator<QString, ParsedClass *>::inc 
(this=0xbfffde34) at /usr/lib/qt3/include/qmap.h:171
171             while ( tmp->left )
(gdb) backtrace
#0  0x403b0533 in QMapIterator<QString, ParsedClass *>::inc 
(this=0xbfffde34) at /usr/lib/qt3/include/qmap.h:171
#1  0x403b2740 in QMapIterator<QString, ParsedClass *>::operator++ 
(this=0xbfffde34) at /usr/lib/qt3/include/qmap.h:143
#2  0x4038b45a in ClassStore::removeWithReferences (this=0x81bae38, 
fileName=@0xbfffdeb4) at classstore.cpp:540
#3  0x41ef2fd6 in StoreWalker::parseTranslationUnit (this=0xbfffdeb0, 
ast=0x91e0398) at store_walker.cpp:43
#4  0x41eab0a8 in CppSupportPart::maybeParse (this=0x83cd210, fileName=
      {static null = {static null = <same as static member of an already 
seen type>, d = 0x80bc1a0, static shared_null = 0x80bc1a0}, d = 
0xbfffdf58, static shared_null = 0x80bc1a0}, store=0x81bae38) at 
#5  0x41ea8e76 in CppSupportPart::savedFile (this=0x83cd210, 
fileName=@0x8328bd8) at cppsupportpart.cpp:480
#6  0x41eace5f in CppSupportPart::qt_invoke (this=0x83cd210, _id=6, 
_o=0xbfffe024) at cppsupportpart.moc:178
#7  0x40c87465 in QObject::activate_signal () from 
#8  0x40c876db in QObject::activate_signal () from 
#9  0x0809559f in KDevPartController::savedFile (this=0x81be160, 
t0=@0xbfffe0dc) at kdevpartcontroller.moc:90
#10 0x08072449 in PartController::slotUploadFinished (this=0x81be160) at 
#11 0x08074e1b in PartController::qt_invoke (this=0x81be160, _id=23, 
_o=0xbfffe1a8) at partcontroller.moc:171
#12 0x40c873c4 in QObject::activate_signal () from 
#13 0x40c872fe in QObject::activate_signal () from 
#14 0x42206357 in KateDocument::fileNameChanged () from 
#15 0x42211e31 in KateDocument::saveFile () from 
#16 0x4040eb51 in KParts::ReadWritePart::save () from 
#17 0x42229ecc in KateView::save () from /opt/kde3/lib/kde3/
#18 0x422250b3 in KateView::qt_invoke () from 
#19 0x40c873c4 in QObject::activate_signal () from 

Amilcar Lucas

             Institut fuer Datentechnik und Kommunikationsnetze
               Technische Universitaet Braunschweig, Germany      

Amilcar do Carmo Lucas                  Tel. : +49 531 391 3751
Raum 1315                               Fax  : +49 531 391 3750
Hans-Sommer Str. 66                     Email: amilcar at
D-38106 Braunschweig

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