BUG 50345

jbb jbb at kdevelop.org
Fri Apr 4 23:58:04 UTC 2003


I've fixed the enviroment variable setting. But there is a bug... 

    DomUtil::PairList envvars =
        DomUtil::readPairListEntry(dom, "/kdevautoproject/run/envvars",
                                        "envvar", "name", "value");

This will only work for autoprojects. Debugging for other project types (ie 
custom project) needs

    DomUtil::PairList envvars =
        DomUtil::readPairListEntry(dom, "/kdevcustomproject/run/envvars",
                                        "envvar", "name", "value");

How do we obtain this value?

Also the run options envirnoment settings only have "Add" and "Remove". 
"Modify" should also be there. Anybody...?


On Fri, 04 Apr 2003 03:00, Amilcar do Carmo Lucas wrote:
> Hi all!
> I recently committed a little change to gdbcontroller.cpp line 1157 to
> 1170 that make it easy for you to add
> environment variables to the debugged application.
> The goal is to help fix: http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=50345
> I didn't touch the rest of the debugger code because I messed up the
> last time I touched the debugger :) .
> I sent this mail to John Birch (the debugger maintainer) but it bounced
> back, so this time I'm sending it to the entire list.
> I got some feedback from Oswald Buddenhagen and did a small fix to the
> first patch. But still didn't fixed it
> Please take a look at it and fix it.
> Thanks,

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