Can I Import existing files? How?

Amilcar do Carmo Lucas amilcar at
Thu Apr 3 13:17:05 UTC 2003

If you're using a "normal" C++ project then:

On your rigth side there is a tab named: "Automake manager " click on it.
On the bottom side on this window there are a list of targets. You 
should only have one.
Click on it with thr RMB, select "add Existing files ..." .


Amilcar Lucas

Steven T. Hatton wrote:

>I tried to add existing files to a project.  I copied them to the file tree, 
>but I couldn't figure out how to get Gideon to show them as part of the 
>project.  If this is an RTFM, then may I ask which FM?

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