c++ parser
Roberto Raggi
raggi at cli.di.unipi.it
Sat Sep 7 15:37:03 UTC 2002
hi falk,
thanks for the hint.. cleanparse looks a very good product, but the
problem is that i haven't found a "parsable" specification of iso c++
yet, so is difficult to write a parser using a "parser generator" like
ANTLR, CleanParse, YACC.. ( see
at the moment my parser recognize a lot of c++ features, the main lacks
are a good error recovery and a formal definition of AST.. now i'm
working on error recovery, and when i've finished i start to define a
DTD(i wish that daniel help me to design it)
ciao robe
On Sat, 2002-09-07 at 14:55, F at lk Brettschneider wrote:
> Hi Roberto!
> Roberto Raggi wrote:
> >hi all,
> >
> >this week i've started to implement a new c++ parser for gideon that use
> >QDom as abstract syntax tree. the current implementation is a mixture
> >of opencxx and iso c++ rules and have support for many advanced c++
> >features, like namespace, template, ...
> >
> >i want to hear somebody's opinion about that, and i would like to know
> >if i can put my parser in the cvs
> >
> >ciao robe
> >
> www.clearjump.com might be interesting for you, too. They provide a
> non-commercial Linux version of ClearParse as well. Please, read their
> pdf documentation file.
> A Pascal grammar file is available. Using any available EBNF description
> of C++, it should be possible to convert it in the necessary GDML
> format. Then you'll have a ready-to-use C++ parser providing its data in
> a tree after the syntax analysis...
> Ciao
> F at lk
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