testing gideon

August Hörandl august.hoerandl at gmx.at
Tue Oct 15 00:19:03 UTC 2002

some comments
- first: congratulations - great tool

- open a project, change some files, try to close gideon:
  you get a "file has changed - save" message box, but no
  hint which file gideon ist talking about
  if you have more then one changed file: say "cancel" on 
  the first one, you are asked about the next one

- in the toolbar there are selection boxes for classes and
  methods - and they are "so small" -- any way to increase
  the size?


st Hörandl                                august.hoerandl at gmx.at
A banker is a fellow who lends you his umbrella when the sun is 
shining and wants it back the minute it begins to rain.
                                                  -- Mark Twain

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