PRINCE KOFI princekofi_mugu at myself.com
Mon Nov 11 04:19:03 UTC 2002

Dear Sir, 

I am Prince Kofi Johnson, the secetary of Africa White farmers 
co-operation (AWFC) OF Zimbabwe. After the last general elections in my 
country where the incumbent president Mr. Robert Mugabe won the 
presidential election, the 
government has adopted a very aggressive land reforms programme. This 
programme is solely aimed at taking the land owned by white African 
farmers for redistribution to black africans. This programme has 
attracted worldwide 
condemnation from world leaders including British prime minister,mr 
Tony Blair and also forced several white farmers to flee the country 
for fear of victimization and physical abuse. 
   Two weeks ago, our headquartes in Harare was attacked andlooted by 
black protesters and in the process burnt down the whole building. 
Fortunately,they did not get access to the huge funds kept in the strong 
room which belong to the co-operation. This cash was kept at the secretariat rather than in the bank for fear of seizure by the government. 
   Now I have the funds in my possession and would need to get it 
invested in a valuable business venture in europe. 
   Once I can get your commitment and sincerity of investing this funds 
on our behalf then I would proceed to get the funds freighted to 
Europe, where you would be required to pick it up for investment for us. 
   You do not have anything to worry about as I would undertake all 
charges involved in freighting the funds to europe, and the business 
proposal is legal and risk free. 
   You would be adequately compensated for all your effort once we have 
gotten the funds to europe. 
Please get back to me if you can be of assistance and I would want our 
correspondence to be via email. 
   I expect your confidentiality and your prompt response to 
this mail so as to proceed.


Kind regards, 

Prince Kofi Johnson. 

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