Gideon crashes when opening a file in MDI mode

F@lk Brettschneider falk.brettschneider at
Mon May 20 22:31:02 UTC 2002

John Firebaugh wrote:

>On Tuesday 07 May 2002 9:07, falk.brettschneider at wrote:
>>Victor Röder wrote:
>>>#5  0x412fb6e8 in sigaction () from /lib/
>>>#6  0x419ad09a in KateViewInternal::paintCursor ()
>>>  from /usr/local/kde3/lib/
>>>#7  0x419ad529 in KateViewInternal::focusOutEvent ()
>>>  from /usr/local/kde3/lib/
>>>#8  0x40d30970 in QWidget::event ()
>>>  from /home/victor/Entwicklung/C++/qt-copy/lib/
>>>#9  0x40ca7273 in QApplication::internalNotify ()
>>>  from /home/victor/Entwicklung/C++/qt-copy/lib/
>>>#10 0x40ca7114 in QApplication::notify ()
>>>  from /home/victor/Entwicklung/C++/qt-copy/lib/
>>>#11 0x409874e4 in KApplication::notify ()
>>>  from /usr/local/kde3/lib/
>>>#12 0x40d2e84b in QWidget::setFocus ()
>>>  from /home/victor/Entwicklung/C++/qt-copy/lib/
>>>#13 0x4036d92a in QextMdiMainFrm::attachWindow ()
>>>  from /usr/local/kde3/lib/
>This seems to be fixed, now it crashes when closing a file. The part is 
>getting double-deleted, I think.
Widgets wrapped with QextMdiChildView must be unwrapped on file closing 
- otherwise it will crash on double deletion because of Qt's mechanism 
for the automatic deletion of child widgets. That's why use 
QextMdiMainFrm::removeWindowFromMdi() before deleting the embedded 
editor widget (to reparent the widget to parent 0L). See class 
DocViewMan in KDevelop-2.

F at lk

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