Printing probs. with kdevelop 2.1.1 (KDE2)/kwrite

W. Tasin tasin at
Fri May 17 11:49:02 UTC 2002

Hi guys,

as I already told some of you, there were some printing problems inside 

1) there won't be used the same font for print-out as on the screen
[and often an ugly proportional font is default]

2) on kwrite and kate [even on kdevelop, if screen and printer use the 
same paint function] a print-out uses a strange spacing within a line.

3) like before the print-out is still black-and-white, so other colors 
wouldn't be greyscaled in the output. [But now there is a define which 
can be set to use color-printing.]

This is especially for Roland to put it in the KDEVELOP_2 branch, if 
still necessary. I will use the attached patch only for the university 
(students/profs) and will not commit it to the closed branch, but I will 
make an own version of it called KDevelop (so there will not 
be any version collision).

Sorry Roland, but I cannot test it for KDE 3 due to my everlasting 
problem: lack of time.



oohhh sveglia.... il mondo e' ammalato, ma x colpa di chi.........
<Key-Fingerprint: 1610 835F 0080 32F4 6140  6CF7 A7D0 44CD 7961A645>

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