KDevelop team interview

Bernd Gehrmann Bernd-Gehrmann at gmx.de
Wed May 15 23:30:08 UTC 2002

On Monday 13 May 2002 13:32, you wrote:
> - Gideon is a complete rewrite.

No, it's kdevelop minus the bad code plus more good code ;-)
(where in many cases "bad" means "C++ specific" or "automake specific"
or "specific for a compiled language")

> Bernd, could you detail when and why you started Gideon, why you think it
> is better, ... ? And the other, do you think Gideon is a good concept or a
> bad idea, and why ? I don't want to start a flamewar though :-)

Well, if you tell me how you develop PHP, Python, Perl or Java programs
with KDevelop, I might be able to answer that question :-) But so far,
it's comparing apples with oranges. KDevelop simply doesn't play in the
same league as Gideon.


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