feature definitions for 2.1 press release

Roland Krause rokrau at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 27 20:15:05 UTC 2002

I like this, with two minor changes, well done Oliver!

--- Oliver Strutynski <olistrut at gmx.net> wrote:
> > "What is that cross-compiling feature of KDevelop-2.1?"
> Suggestion:
With the new cross-compiling feature developers can create applications
that run on multiple  hardware platforms including PDAs such as the
Sharp Zaurus and mainframe computers. 

This enables companies and individual users alike to leverage existing
knowledge to bring their applications to new hardware platforms and
devices from within their favorite development environment.

> but do you really want to
> explain the 
> difference between writing code/compiling code in a press release for
> common 
> users/journalists?

No, why would you? 

Code Completion enables developers to choose function arguments, class
variables and member functions and other possible completions of code
segments while they are typing. It is a feature that is standard in
todays commercial development environments and in many text editors. 


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