(Might be OT) Gideon And KDevelop (Again)

Victor Röder victor_roeder at gmx.de
Wed Mar 27 18:44:03 UTC 2002

Hi, Per!

> I have earlier asked what gideon was but i have to ask you again.
> Why should gideon collide with KDEvelop and why does their names collide.

Right now, it's a little bit tricky to answer your question :-):
The names don't collide. Gideon should become the next generation KDevelop 
(i.e. KDevelop3). That was the plan in the past. The future plan looks quite 
the same for the majority of the KDevelop developers...
Maybe we have to wait one week or two to get a correct answer (see our last 
discussions => "The day of separation is here" and "Crisis of a marriage?") 
but I think everything stays the same...

> Also, is gideon a new project or is it a new project based on KDevelop?

Gideon has a modular architecture (multiple languages are supported, multiple 
editors, multi binaries support and so on). The KDevelop (2.x) development 
goes in the direction of being "Gideon compatible", i.e. KDevelop 2.x could 
load some of the Gideon plug-ins.
Gideon is not based on KDevelop so far.


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