The day of seperation is here

John Firebaugh jfirebaugh at
Wed Mar 27 04:44:02 UTC 2002

On Tuesday 26 March 2002 4:26, Harald Fernengel wrote:
> Hi,
> > A fork can no longer be prevented.
> Sorry, forking is not an option.

I agree.

I think almost everyone agrees on the basic things:

1) We want to use the KTextEditor interfaces.
2) We want the modular design of gideon parts.
3) We want the UI framework provided by QextMdi (with possible enhancement of 
split-pane view).

It seems we have two basic options:

1) Continue development of the KDEVELOP_2_BRANCH. The largest change is 
reworking of core so that it can load parts. Roland and Roberto are working 
hard and fast in this directions. Potential problem: code code in 
KDEVELOP_2_BRANCH is in not so great shape. CKDevelop is a huge class that 
desparately needs refactoring.
2) Continue development of gideon. The largest change is integrating QextMDI 
and porting core and parts to KTextEditorInterfaces. Harry and Matthias are 
working in this direction.

> Whether we choose KDevelop2 or Gideon as main IDE is not that important, I
> don't care about different branches or maybe even move Gideon core away,
> but the modular design has to survive.


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