BUG: open brace indicator

August Hörandl august.hoerandl at gmx.at
Tue Mar 12 00:59:02 UTC 2002

August Hörandl wrote:
> newest Kdevelop from cvs on kde2/qt2
> the open brace indicator (underlined open brace) isn't updated
> on character insert
> try this:
> (()
>    ^ move cursor after the ), open ( gets _
> insert a )
> (())
>     ^ cursor here, _ doesn't move, second ( has the _ -- BUG
> move cursur left and right, first ( is underlined -- ok
> insert ; -- first ( keeps the _ -- BUG

so if nobody takes my seriosly ;-)

i did a little research and came up with the following patch
(update brackets mark after insertChar() ):

*** kwview.cpp	2002/03/04 22:56:50
--- kwview.cpp	2002/03/11 23:31:06
*************** X      : cut
*** 1075,1080 ****
--- 1075,1082 ----
      // insert the character at the current cursor.
+     if (c.flags & cfHighlightBrackets)
+       kWriteDoc->newBracketMark(c.cursor, bm);
    } else {
      if (e->state() & ShiftButton) c.flags |= cfMark;

could anybody comment on this - otherwise i will commit it ;-)


August Hörandl                           august.hoerandl at gmx.at
~/.signature: No such file or directory

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