TODO list (again)

August Hörandl august.hoerandl at
Fri Mar 1 16:54:03 UTC 2002

"F at lk Brettschneider" wrote:
> Hi,
> I added No. 12:
> and removed No. 1 and 2 because it's done.
> (Roland, can you 'make on dir' get work also for custom projects? It
> doesn't work and I would call that a bug ;)
> and removed No. 4 because of feature freeze except for Code Completion.
> Now the ToDo list is:
> 3 BugFix:    Fix browser font selection            Jens, Falk,
>                                                    patch sent
> 5 Feature:   Make ctags command configurable       Roland, pending
> 6 Bug:       Crash on open project, only KDE-2     Walter, not
>              according to mail from W.Joss         reproducable
>                                                    evtl. KHTML bug
> 7 Bug:       Crash on closing KDevelop             Falk,Walter
>              really hard to reproduce              pending
> 8 Bug        Updating the documentView             Walter, Falk
> 9 Feature    updateMakefileAm() patch              Walter
> 10 Feature:  code completion for cast              Roberto
>              (partially works.. i'll commit
>              tomorrow)
> 11 Feature:  code completion for struct            Roberto
>              (working in progress.. )
> 12 Bug       Ugly flickering of CMakeOutputView    anybody who sees the
> reason
>              when running a program with much
>              debug output messages (KDE3 only)

i would like to add these two

13 Bug     tab page mode, use crtl-t to remove treeview
           then try one of these 
           * crtl-t   shows treeview (ok)
           * ansicht/arbeistansichten/baumansicht    treeview is ok
           * ansicht/arbeitsansichten/klassen   treeview in a new window

14 Feature  right mouse popup menue on the tab when using tab page mode
           should include: close, maybe:  close all other, sort  

August Hörandl                          august.hoerandl at
"...Unix, MS-DOS, and Windows NT (also known as the Good, the Bad,
and the Ugly)."                                    (By Matt Welsh)

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