classview hierarchy

Bernd Gehrmann Bernd-Gehrmann at
Thu Jun 13 09:47:04 UTC 2002

On Thursday 13 June 2002 02:42, you wrote:
> Hi Bernd,
> There's no classview hierarchy any more so I'm gonna fix it :/
> You didn't have to overwrite my code, you could just copy & paste it
> there was some thought that went into that part.

I haven't overwritten your code, I've put it into a subroutine next
to the mode I implemented before and made it configurable. No 
need to run amok and make wild accusations.

Apart from that, you again messed up the sorting. You can't
globally setSorting() on the list view, it's consciously arranged 
the way it was. In particular, the toplevel items are

  Global Functions
  Global Variables

and *not*

  Global Functions
  Global Variables

or something even different in other languages.

If you want to sort a subtree, sort that subtree, not the whole list view.
When you use the appropriate class store API, you don't even have to
do any sorting of classes. Just create list view items in the order in which
the class store delivers them.


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