Missing makefile in cvs and where did the executable go???????

Amilcar do Carmo Lucas amilcar at ida.ing.tu-bs.de
Tue Jul 30 15:52:03 UTC 2002

Never mind!!! I figured it out! The executable name is gideon.
It crashes upon execution, so all wait a couple of days update and
 compile again to see if it finally works.

Amilcar do Carmo Lucas wrote:

>> I have a SuSE 7.2 base installation.
>> On top of that I've added (by this order):
>> A gcc version 2.95.3 20010315 (SuSE)
>> A 2.4.19-rc1 kernel
>> A complete KDE3.0.2 (including Kdevelop 2.1.2)
>> A qt-3.0.5 (configured using the KDE options) compiled and installed
>> I got the latest cvs version of arts, configured, compiled and 
>> installed with prefix to an empty /opt/kde3b directory
>> I got the latest cvs version of kdelibs, configured, compiled and 
>> installed with prefix to the same /opt/kde3b directory
>> I got the latest cvs version of Gideon configured with the latest qt 
>> and the cvs version of arts and kdelib
>> I compiled the "gideon", but to do so I had to manually add a Makefile
>> to the kdevelop/parts/diff directory.
>> There was a Makefile.am there but no Makefile so the compiler compained.
>> All the other things work fine. Exept that when whe run kdevelop, I 
>> still get version 2.1.2!

Amilcar Lucas

             Institut fuer Datentechnik und Kommunikationsnetze
               Technische Universitaet Braunschweig, Germany      
Amilcar do Carmo Lucas			Tel. : +49 531 391 3751
Raum 1315				Fax  : +49 531 391 3750
Hans-Sommer Str. 66			Email: amilcar at ida.ing.tu-bs.de
D-38106 Braunschweig			

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