KDevelop-2.1.3 possible (was: [Fwd: IMPORTANT: Changelog for KDE 3.0.3])

Jens Zurheide jens.zurheide at gmx.de
Wed Jul 17 23:48:04 UTC 2002

That's fine!

I made some "experiments" with KDevelop 2.1.2 (CVS) and valgrind because I 
must have missed the qt-3.0.4 QTextEdit bug discussion. valgrind reported 
some memory leaks that I tried to plug one after the other. (Note: this was 
not a thorough test!)

The patch kdevelop-2.1-leaks.diff are some more or less obvious leaks. 

The changes in kdevelop-2.1-clogfileview.diff definitely needs reviewing 
because the original implementation seemed to be a little bit strange to 

Furthermore valgrind finds a lot of conditional tests on uninitialized 
values in the kwrite code, mainly parentesis highlighting.

After updating my Qt to the current qt-copy (which claims to be qt-3.0.6) 
the output lines from make et al. in the respective view are double spaced 
again (but at least it works for me now :-))

Does anybody take care for these issues?


PS: Hope to see you in the head branch soon :-)

>Dirk Müller said there will be a KDE-3.0.3.. The forwarded e-mail shows
>there can be a KDevelop-2.1.3, accordingly.
>So time again to send bugfix-patches for 2.1.
>One thing I know is the "crash on adding many files to the project".
>F at lk
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