TODO list (again)

Jens Zurheide jens.zurheide at
Mon Jan 21 07:52:02 UTC 2002

Sunday 20 January 2002 23:35 Falk Brettschneider
>Jens Zurheide wrote:
>>RCS file: /home/kde/kdelibs/khtml/,v
>>-    QStringList fontList = fontsForCharset[charset];
>>+    QStringList &fontList = fontsForCharset[charset];
>Well, there wont be another KDE2.2 bugfix version. Do you see a chance
>to workaround that in KDevelop itself?
>Cheers,F at lk

Yes, I did it in the end because I had too many troubles with font sizes in
the end. The whole code seems to have changed for KDE3.
Currently I can't test my patches against KDE3 because I completely bungled 
it and am now recompiling everthing. So be patient or hope for other 
fearless volunteers ;-)


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