codecompletion for kdevelop 2.1 starts to work!!!

August Hörandl august.hoerandl at
Wed Feb 13 21:02:06 UTC 2002

Roberto Raggi wrote:
> i'm working with daniel to make this possible.. i think that in a few days
> we have a new version of cppsupport with persistant class store and
> codecompletion..
> this two screenshots show the last status of codecompletion

this gideon - not kdevelop 2.1 as mentioned in the subject ;-)

> the second show a new feature that i've added today.. if you press CTRL+T at
> the end of an expression you see a tooltip with type of the expression

 if debug mode: show value of expression   

August Hörandl                           august.hoerandl at
If Bill Gates had a dime for every time Windows crashed...
              ... Oh wait a minute, he already does...' - Anonymous

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