A systematic approach to code completion and c++ parsing/storage

W. Tasin tasin at fhm.edu
Sun Feb 10 23:26:02 UTC 2002

Thomas Schilling wrote:

>>>In a first approach I's suggest leaving out increamental parsing and only
>>>parse whole files. But wait: heavn't we already been there. Didn't
>>>somebody start with a tokenizer (flex)?
>>I did you can get it with:
>>export CVSROOT=:pserver:guest at lma.ee.fhm.edu:/home/cvs
>>cvs login
>>[no password}
>>cvs co kdev2_parser
>Uhm, seems we have multiple tokenizers. I extended 'tokenizer-cc.l/h'
>(C++ Lexer/Tokenizer) a bit (e.g. all keywords)
>If someone wants it i can post it as an attachment - but caution: it's
>incompatible (e.g: before: "~MyClass" was an ID, now it's '~' + ID)
My approach was going away from lex- or flex-usage [or yacc/bison-usage] :-)
it interprets a textfile like the lexem-file to have a more generic lexer.

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oohhh sveglia.... il mondo e' ammalato, ma x colpa di chi.........
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