New kde IDE with code completion

F@lk Brettschneider gigafalk at
Wed Feb 6 13:28:04 UTC 2002


Andrea Aime wrote:
> Did you know about this?
Thanks, it's very interesting.

> >From the small description provided:
>    * realtime class parser for Java, Python and OCaml
> ...sounds interesting, isn't it?
Both files completion.h/cpp could be adapted to kdevelop and that should
be all.

I wonder why the klint author didn't join kdevelop. That's the fault of
Linux, everyone cooks his own soup...
Anyway, we should try to pull it out of klint and put it into kdevelop.
After a short view (via KDevelop-->GenerateProject and our classbrowser
;-) it seems possible since the class is pretty separated from the rest
of the program. The critical thing is the document that is parsed in
EditorCompletion::doCompletion(), we must insert the appropriate stuff
out from KDevelop's classparser lists into the completion listbox.

Ciao,F at lk

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