Minor changes/fixes to kdevelop-2.1

jbb jbb at kdevelop.org
Sat Feb 2 10:00:05 UTC 2002

Can someone check that the folloiwing changes/fixes work on kde-2.x as I only 
have kde-3 now.

1/ Remove (3) from manpage so that -
	- you are presented with a choice if there's more that one page in
	  different sections for the same item. (eg printf 1 and printf 3)
	- you can enter the section in the manpage dialog (if you want)
	This relies on the khtml part dealing with it - I'm unsure if kde2.x will do 
this correctly.

2/ Fix parsing qstrings when using current cvs gdb (could be in 5.1 as well). 
The gdb output for qstring values has changed slightly causing the string to 
be displayed incorrectly.

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