Handling data of sessions

Falk Brettschneider falk.brettschneider at gmx.de
Thu Dec 19 12:08:05 UTC 2002

> getting myself familiar with the new project session handling, I notice 
> that it lacks of one thing:
> I want to write data to the session DOM in other methods of my part than 
> only in savePartialProjectSession(). For instance a typically "[ ] Never 
> ask me again" check box, I want to write this immediatelly to the DOM.
> How about adding QDomDocument* sessionDom(); to KDevPlugin?
AFAI remember the current concept is to create the DOM document on demand on
the fly. So there's a special point in time for the parts to write to the

Well, either each part stores the session data in own variables until the
session writing is called from outside of the part, or we let the session DOM
document be persistant.

Not sure what's better but my intention let me tend to the first one (part
stores in own variables) because local settings can better be overlooked and
maintained by the part. Second, 'often reading/writing XML' is slower than
'often reading/writing normal variables and only one time XML'. And probably we
prevent synchronisation problems by deciding for the decentralized approach.
Anyway, I don't know exactly. Feel free to improve it. ;)

F at lk

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