project session (.kdevses), project (.kdevelop) & application settings/session (gideonnrc)
Falk Brettschneider
falk.brettschneider at
Thu Dec 5 10:27:03 UTC 2002
I had a look at the architecture concerning to where KDevelop-3 stores its
stuff to. And I noticed there are some things wrong at several places that
should have been fixed until KDevelop-3 turns to a Beta version.
There are 3 types of configuration settings, each one belonging to its own
type 1) project-independent: (belongs to gideonrc file)
e.g.: UI mode, editor font
type 2) project-dependent, equal for all programmers programming for the
project: (belongs to .kdevelop file)
e.g.: compiler flags, linker flags
type 3) project-dependent, personal for each programmer for the project:
(belongs to .kdevses file which has the same prefix name as the .kdevelop file)
e.g.: directory where make will be run, last opened files
The current Gideon often mixes up those files and store certain settings to
the logically wrong location.
I already fixed such a logical bug: the information about last opened files
were stored to .kdevelop. This means, you cannot put .kdevelop in CVS since
each programmer of a team has a different situation to store which would lead
to cvs conflicts. It's fixed, now it goes to .kdevses.
Yesterday, I analyzed the c++-debugger part and found all settings were
stored wrongly:
- "information about set breakpoints" are of type 3 (see above), were of
type 2. I've fixed it.
- I think the "floating toolbar on/off" setting is type 1, was of type 2. It
was late yesterday, I wrongly fixed it to type 3, should be fixed again. ;)
- all other debugger settings are of type 2 currently, but IMO they all
should be of type 1. Otherwise you need to set it again and again for every new
project. :( I'm going to fix it next.
I suppose, such things can also be found in other parts, I haven't
investigated yet. Anyway it's very likely, since type 3 haven't existed until some
days before. Please, check your parts if the settings are stored correctly!
Think about if it fulfils the 2 rules from below.
The 2 main rules are:
1) if the .kdevelop file is put in CVS, cvs conflicts shouldn't happen when
working in teams for a project
2) if a setting must be adjusted newly to the same value again with every
new project, it must be moved from .kdevelop to gideonrc.
F at lk
(P.S.: comments, critics are welcome. ;)
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