Gideon Docs

F@lk Brettschneider falk.brettschneider at
Mon Dec 2 23:46:02 UTC 2002

Hi Sebastian!

Sebastian Kratzert wrote:

>On Sunday 01 December 2002 23:48, falk.brettschneider at wrote:
>>Cool. :-)
>>I'm usually offline. Now if I click on STL or something like that, I get
>>an empty view. Please, can you also add that the view contains an error
>>message and a hint to download, if the connection to the web link failed?
>Ok, can you give me a hint how to check wheter the user is online?
>Anyway i can make pages for every root folder with hints to the download 
I found out it's only when I click on .toc files (the tree root folder 
icons). Otherwise KHTML set the error message in case of offline.
See my latest fix in cvs. ;)

F at lk

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