Kdevelop editing question.

Eray Ozkural erayo at cs.bilkent.edu.tr
Mon Apr 22 20:27:03 UTC 2002


Which branch is this? I'm really confused about branches :)

Is it the one with editor set to kate?

On Monday 22 April 2002 19:01, Falk Brettschneider wrote:
> Hi Robert,
> I store it to the TODO list of KDevelop-2.1.1. Maybe Exa is the best
> candidate who can fix this.

Eray Ozkural (exa) <erayo at cs.bilkent.edu.tr>
Comp. Sci. Dept., Bilkent University, Ankara
www: http://www.cs.bilkent.edu.tr/~erayo  Malfunction: http://mp3.com/ariza
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