The Gideon feature list (was => Re: Who is still working...)

Christian Couder Christian.Couder at
Wed Sep 26 15:07:25 UTC 2001


On Wed, Sep 26, 2001 at 11:03:54AM +0200, Bernd Gehrmann wrote:
> Your performance problem mainly comes from the recursive nature of
> automake builds. Because of that, for the evaluation of the dependency
> tree many header files (in kdevelop e.g. those in lib/interfaces) have
> to be stat()ed for each directory again. With a build system where every-
> thing is in one Makefile, this would be much less costly.

There is a nice paper about this here :


PS: As some of you already know I just got married and had honeymoon holidays
that's why I didn't work much on kdevelop these days, but I hope to 
contribute an Eiffel language support to KDevelop 3.

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