Bug#33831: Creates incompatible acinclude.m4 files

Enrico Scholz enrico.scholz at informatik.tu-chemnitz.de
Wed Oct 17 23:58:26 UTC 2001

package: kdevelop
version: 2.0.1

kdevelop creates incompatible acinclude.m4 files by including standard
macros like those of libtool.m4. E.g. a typical step when beginning a
new project seems[1] to be

| cat acinclude.m4.in libtool.m4.in >acinclude.m4

There is absolutely no need to attach a local `libtool.m4' version; but
doing it causes large problems:

When it is necessary to rebuild the configure file (e.g. because of
applying a local patch), the build process will fail if another libtool
version is installed than this the libtool.m4.in file is origined.

Because a lot of people are using kdevelop to publish programs, it is in
your responsibleness to remove such sources of incompatibility.
Therefore, I suggest a modular concept where needed m4-macros are put
into a extra-directory (e.g. m4) of the project and to omit the creation
of acinclude.m4 entirely.

Then `aclocal' can be used as `aclocal -I m4' and the macros in m4/ can
be replaced in an easy manner. Currently it takes much effort to remove
errors like the included `libtool.m4' file.


[1]  never used kdevelop myself; just saw the messy `acinclude.m4' files
     produced by it

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