RFC: classviewerwas Re: AutoComplete
August Hörandl
august.hoerandl at gmx.at
Fri Nov 30 20:26:02 UTC 2001
"F at lk Brettschneider" wrote:
> Since actually any further work for new features for version 2.0.x has
> been stopped, it's not a good idea to make such a _big_ change on
> KDE_2_2_BRANCH. Just bugfixes should go in.
okay: shorter version - bugfix only ;-)
sort the global symbols (all the getSorted...List() methods seem
to be broken)
could you apply this patch ?
diff -u -3 -p -c -r1. cclassview.cpp
cvs server: conflicting specifications of output style
*** cclassview.cpp 2001/11/19 00:24:36
--- cclassview.cpp 2001/11/30 19:17:03
*************** void CClassView::refresh()
*** 475,486 ****
--- 475,488 ----
item = treeH->addItem( i18n( "Namespaces" ), THFOLDER, globalsItem
scopeList = store->globalContainer.getSortedScopeList();
((CClassTreeHandler *)treeH)->addScopes( scopeList, item );
+ item->sortChildItems(0,true);
delete scopeList;
// Add global Structures
item = treeH->addItem( i18n( "Structures" ), THFOLDER, globalsItem
structList = store->getSortedStructList();
((CClassTreeHandler *)treeH)->addGlobalStructs( structList, item );
+ item->sortChildItems(0,true);
delete structList;
// Add global functions
*************** void CClassView::refresh()
*** 489,494 ****
--- 491,497 ----
methodList = store->globalContainer.getSortedMethodList();
kdDebug() << "Got " << methodList->count() << " methods" << endl;
((CClassTreeHandler *)treeH)->addGlobalFunctions( methodList, item
+ item->sortChildItems(0,true);
delete methodList;
// Add global variables
*************** void CClassView::refresh()
*** 496,501 ****
--- 499,505 ----
item = treeH->addItem( i18n( "Variables" ), THFOLDER, globalsItem );
attributeList = store->globalContainer.getSortedAttributeList();
((CClassTreeHandler *)treeH)->addGlobalVariables( attributeList,
item );
+ item->sortChildItems(0,true);
delete attributeList;
treeH->setLastItem( item );
August Hörandl august.hoerandl at gmx.at
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