readDockConfig() problems

Roland Krause rokrau at
Tue May 22 18:12:29 UTC 2001

this causes me lots and lots of problems.

Starting kdevelop, the main window doesn't have mainwindow properties
anymore, i.e. no frame, no entry in kicker etc.. I cant move it or get
focus in it either, you get the picture. 

Once I change the GUI mode to toplevel and back to childframe mode the
problem is gone. But then some of the tools are still floating around
and when I try to dock them the dock manager crashes. :-( 

I am not shure whether my problems are related to the fact that I still
use the -DUSE_KDE_2_1_1 switch which prevents correct docking. 

Maybe since you have a fast computer you can try this for me
(-DUSE_KDE_2_1_1) and see whether you can reproduce the problems and
then tell me whether it helps to update the libs :-)


Roland Krause
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