Bookmarks (was Re: ctags stuff)

Christian Couder chcouder at
Wed Mar 21 21:51:20 UTC 2001

Roland Krause a écrit :
> Christian,
> --- Christian Couder <christian.couder at> wrote:
> >
> > Yes, I had no time to test and fix all the problems.
> > I hope to do it when I have cleaned up the DocViewManager.
> >
> Could you outline what you are going to do with the DocViewManager. I
> would really like to get the project management much improved and I am
> willing to code/port some stuff. If it is that, I would appreciate if
> we could coordinate efforts.

I am rewriting the DocViewManager (to remove the TEditInfo and the
DocViewNode structs) and moving the doc and view stuff from the
CKDevelop class to the DocViewManager class.

You can probably make changes to the project management at the same
time, but there can be some conflicts in the ckdevelop class.

> > Could you explain me how to fix it ? I looked a little at this
> > problem
> > and I thought it was a QExtMDI problem because it also happens
> > sometimes
> > when you don't use bookmarks.
> The problem sounds very similar to the grepdialog problem I have
> described earlier. The window gets opened but the editor does not jump
> to the correct line in the file.

The bookmark problem is somewhat different I think because the editor
jumps to the correct line but the view is not properly activated so the
cursor insode the view is not displayed and not available. 

> > > I think we can also dump the two
> > > submenus for html and source file bookmarks now so the user can
> > access
> > > the bookmarks easier, or ? At least we can display the editor
> > bookmarks
> > > in the menu directly I think while leaving the browser bookmarks in
> > a
> > > seperate submenu.
> >
> > I could also go back to the old design : a menu for header files
> > another
> > for source file and another for browser urls.
> No, actually, this could probably a standard KDE bookmark menu. I
> believe this makes the most sense. Otoh, the file bookmarks arent
> really  URL's, are they?

They aren't actually, but they could become URLs. I will see when I am
done with the DocViewMan clean up.


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