starting to feature MDI
Falk Brettschneider
gigafalk at
Tue Mar 6 08:59:19 UTC 2001
John Birch wrote:
> > > Also why
> > > did you create the libkdevelop* names? This again means that the
> > > makefiles cannot be regenerated.
> >
> > 1.) The old kdevelop.kdevprj restricts to use library names having the
> > _same_ name as the source subdir. :-( This means we would get:
> >,,, ... which does not guarantee that
> > we wouldn't get naming conflicts with other KDE libraries also being
> > located in $KDEDIR/lib. (At least With the prefix
> > libkdevelop* we simply avoid that.
> Yes it is a restriction in kdevelop if kdevelop manages the libs - so we just
> change the dir name, this doesn't seem a big deal :-)
But then the change is done within the:
####### kdevelop will overwrite this part!!! (begin)##########
####### kdevelop will overwrite this part!!! (end)############
So I suppose changes made "by hand" will be overwritten, wont it?
> > 2.) The old kdevelop.kdevprj does not support such subdir structures like
> > qextmdi/include, qextmdi/src, qextmdi/res. :-(
> Not entirely - it means that kdevelop cannot _manage_ this structure. It can
> avoid it though...
> Another alternative is to change the dir structure of qextmdi in kdevelop.
> Are you really very keen to hang onto that structure given the way kdevelop
> works?
Sorry, only in case of emergency. I already have to care for a code copy in our company, for the QextMDI
cvs-server and in the qt-addons project as well. I have this structure to be equal in all those projects...
With different project structures I would lose the survey.
> > 3.) It seems there's no possibility to configure the subprojects. Only a
> > change from static to dynamic and vice versa seems to be supported. :-(
> > Some projects can need extra settings - where do I set them in such a case?
> Add them after the kdevelop managed stuff. But what settings are you talking
> about in this case? I have version number settings - is there more?
Maybe it's handleable.... But for instance links against kpart in the defined additionally
> but I suspect you'll want to do more before you've finished
Of course. :-) But if you want, you can also hack the project...
> a/
> b/
> To me, both these points far outweigh the hassles we have in doing it and the
> hassles are not great even then. You're allowed to disagree, of course :-)
> but unless you are absolutely adament against it, I will fix this up so
> kdevelop can manage these libs (qextmdi excepted) In fact on my machine most
> of this has been done, I just have a bit of renaming left, but I'll leave
> this until I wake up again tommorrow.
Great. The problem is only: how can I get your features into 1.4 without getting my usuability-destructive
change, too? :-) Do you commit to the 2_1_1 branch?
> And besides these two points, it's just far easier doing it in kdevelop and
> that's always a pleasent surprise to me :-)
Cool, if we could improve it in that way... :-)
> jbb
See you,
F at lk
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