What's the right syntax?

F@lk Brettschneider gigafalk at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 29 11:58:30 UTC 2001


I need this below for the KDevelop-2.0-setup wizard.
Ralf, others can you help me?

Does it mean:

"find " + dirs + " -name '*.html' | awk 'OFS=\"\"; {print
\"file://localhost\", $0}' | htdig -v -s -c " + htdigConf + " - ;
htmerge -v -s -c " + htdigConf;


"find " + dirs + " -name '*.html' | awk 'OFS=\"\"; {print
\"file://localhost\", $0}' | htdig -v -s -c " + htdigConf + " ; htmerge
-v -s -c " + htdigConf;


The difference is that little " - ".


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